
23rd June, afternoon

 Was feeling a bit down about the whole level 4 thing. Feeling a bit at a loss of purpose. My support worker invited me downstairs for a tea and chat. I spoke with two support workers just in general and about the level 4 thing. They gave me some ideas of places I could volunteer using my counselling skills. I now have a place to volunteer called the fusion centre at a mind arts and crafts group. Hopefully that will go well.  I have also decided that I will go for the degree. I really want to stick with this subject and want to work academically at it too. See how it goes. 

15th June, afternoon

 It’s a while since I’ve written on here. I was cooling today. We made cold cheesecakes. It’s a nice thing to do on a hot day.  I am exploring studying more about ayurveda next year in lieu of doing a counselling course. I might study with a place called ocean in 2024. They have been kind and helpful in explaining the enrolment process compared to local adult education. Also, I expect to possibly be moving next year so there will be some upheaval. 

6th May, am

 Woke up in a good mood today. Just thought of all the nice people I will see today, and the weather is nice too. It is crafts day at the blackthorn.  ******************************************* Hi Simon, nice to hear you are drawing and having fun with it. Yes, it’s good to see the joy in things and approach with wonder. I’m sure I’ll learn a lot when I start in the plant nursery next week.  PS. Looking a bit bleak on the counselling course front. Am exploring possibly doing a degree in psychology and counselling. There is student finance available for that course with the open university. 

30th May, evening

 We made hanging baskets at the Blackthorn. It was fun. We learned more about plants, like what the feed mixes mean for them if we were buying them. I don’t have a burning new love of foliage but I appreciate it. I had a review with my mentor, Sue. We thought once the crafts finish next week, I could maybe start work in the plant nursery. I’m happy to give that a go. See if I develop a new passion for flowers and plants. I am still looking on the website everyday to see if a course for counselling has opened up in Ashford. But still nothing. I’ll be gutted to wait another year, but I might have to.  

30th May, am

 Am at Blackthorn today. I am here early. Not sure what I will do today yet. It is my crafts day here. I feel good now I am here. I felt bad in the earlier morning. I need to find a way to be more optimistic in the early mornings. 

26th May, evening

 I’ve been ill this week, with sickness and diorrea. Haven’t done much this week, just recovering. 

19th May, am

 I went out for free breakfast at a local church with my neighbour, Claire. I was tempted to cancel and get out of it, but I did go in the end and it was really good. We filled in a feedback form as a thank you for breakfast. They are developing their services and were looking for ideas. When I was in bed at home, I was listening to the radio. It was on the today programme first on radio 4 and they announced the death of Andy Rouke. That was a sad shock. He was the bassist from the smiths. As I was getting ready to go out, desert island discs was playing and it was Simon Pegg. One of his songs was a smiths song ‘when will I accept myself?’ Good song.  I’ve been doing scratch art this morning for my Instagram page. It is fairly basic right now, but as I keep going it will get better. I am prepared to try nowadays. If I don’t there’ll just be nothing. That would be sad.